Another day... another flight.
If you like me, travel a fair bit, be it for business or pleasure, then you might find yourself with dull, dry and dehidrated skin in desperate need of some moisture. no? Just me? Ah well, for those of you whose skin does requrie a bit more TLC when flying, this post is for you. Here are my tried and tested ways to keep skin looking subtle, plump and hydrated while flying.
Avoid coffee and alcohol - Both caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate your body and skin. Avoid consuming any right before your flight.
During the flight:
Face mask - and I don't mean the one that will save the NHS. I mean a sheet face mask. Slap that bad boy on, close your eyes, and relax. It will keep your skin hydrated for hours.
Aquaphor - On lips and undereyes to lock in moisture. This is a miracle cream and if you don't have one in your beauty arsenal, then run, don't lak to the pharmacy to get your hands on one. It also doubles as a hand moisturiser and cuticle cream. You're welcome.
Water - Drink up butter cup! Becasue no amountg of lotions and potions will keep your skin hydrated unless your whole body is hydrated.
Thick layer of moisturiser - Choose your favourite moisturiser (preferrable with SPF if you're flying during the day time or something richer for night time flights) and make sure you apply it generally.
After the flight:
Wash and moisturise as soon as you get to your destination.
There you have it! A simple but effective way to stay on top of your skin game even when the jet setter lifestyle is calling your name.